Thu 19 Dec 2024 1:51PM
Inaugural BAC meeting

Hi all,
Welcome to the Foundation BAC, and congratulations on winning your election to take up your respective seats. As you may be aware there was a tie in the election for the distributions seat between Dmitry Belyavsky (Red Hat) and John Haxby (Oracle). We are planning to re-run that election early in the new year (voting opens on 3rd January and closes on 10th January).
Given the impending holiday season and the fact that we are still missing a distributions representative I am proposing delaying any inaugural BAC meeting until after 10th January - unless you all would rather do something sooner?
Please let me know your thoughts.

Nicola Tuveri Thu 19 Dec 2024 3:15PM
After Jan 10th is fine by me as well!
Item removed

Paul Dale Fri 20 Dec 2024 1:01AM
10th or after is fine for me.
Tim Chevalier · Thu 19 Dec 2024 2:40PM
Delaying until after 10th January is fine with me.