OpenSSL Communities
Thu 27 Feb 2025 9:30AM

Foundation priorities for 3.6

NT Nicola Tuveri Public Seen by 15

The Foundation has asked the BAC for feedback on priorities for the next release now in planning.

Even before that we started a related discussion here.

I'd like to ask you to read both threads, reviewing items proposed within our community and the ones suggested by the project and other communities, so we can provide feedback on desired features and our wishes for prioritizing them.


Peter Gutmann Thu 27 Feb 2025 10:22AM

Can't seem to post to that thread but a general thought for one of the items mentioned:

>Backlog of Github issues and PRs

Having provided input to various projects that then sat around for years in change-tracking systems, efforts to catch up on issues and PRs is always welcome. Not specific to OpenSSL but to open-source projects in general.
