OpenSSL Communities

Code Protectors sponsorship program

AP Amy Parker Public Seen by 8

Hello, BAC Members.

I'm pleased to share the news that we've just launched our new sponsorship program! This comes after several months of discussion among our whole Foundation team with input from our current sponsors, a variety of external advisors, and a selection of others who have been deeply engaged with the OpenSSL Project. 

You now can find all of the information about how to sponsor the OpenSSL Foundation in the Donate section on our website. Here are some highlights:

  • Our corporate sponsorship program has been dramatically improved. In the past, all donors received only one benefit - a logo on our sponsors page. Now, our Code Protectors will receive an array of sponsor benefits commensurate with their level of support. These benefits bring greater sponsor value with more recognition, access, and engagement than before. 

  • We've created a Premier Sponsorship program for donors who commit $100,000 and above. Premier Sponsors can choose a specific area of our work to sponsor and receive exclusive recognition in association with that work. For example, a company can exclusively sponsor a software release with standard support and be recognized in association with that release in perpetuity. 

  • We've updated and improved our sponsor recognition page

Earlier today we published a blog post about the Code Protectors, but I also wanted to share this information with you, the Foundation’s BAC, directly. Fundraising works best when it starts with those who already know and value the organization, and our hope is that you might be able to help us secure a few more sponsors who would like to join us as Code Protectors.

If there is someone at your company with whom you could share this information, or a person you could connect me with to have a sponsorship conversation, we'd be most grateful. If you have suggestions of other organizations we should be talking with, or suggestions for us to consider as we continue improving this program over time, we'd welcome those as well.

We are fortunate to already count some wonderful organizations among our current sponsors and look forward to building the community of sponsors in the months and years to come. Thank you for giving this some thought. 
